2010 Pusher Challenge with Gift of Appreciation

For any/all Pushers who complete 100 Push-Ups consecutively in 2010, Iron Maiden F.o.N. will donate $100 to a charity of their choice under their name.*

Merry Christmas, Pushers!

Iron Maiden, F.o.N. (55)


*Rules of the Challenge:

*Having a witness is strongly encouraged.

*Photo of feat with "your story" is required.

*Creative locations will be lauded.

*Must be a Pusher in good standing (simply meaning you are dedicated to your pushing).

*Yes, I recognize we have 5 or more Pushers that are sure ringers. Just need their stories and their photos. Send them in!

*Should you not be up for the physical challenge of a consecutive 100; but are a loyal Pusher, you may substitute 100 hours of voluntary community service work in 2010 and you'll meet the challenge.

*Happy Training!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Congratulations 800 Raiders hailing from Maui!

Lightning Aussie in Greece

Olympia at the entrance to the stadium of the first Olympic Games

The Parthenon

Santorini at sunset “home of the best sunset in the world” (arguably, John Woodard stands by Oklahoma as the best sunset)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Congratulations Colonel Kanders!

I did it! I knocked out 100 push-ups this morning! My goal today was to get to 90 and once I got there I said what the heck it’s only 10 more. I must admit I had to take a couple of breaks on the last 10 but I made it through. What an exhilarating feeling! A GREAT way to start the day! I would like to donate my 100 to the Ronald McDonald House Foundation. I have a soft spot in my heart for families with kids who have to be in a hospital. Thank you for starting the challenge, it has changed my life. Steve

Friday, May 7, 2010

Inspiration from a key client

Who is 54 years of age suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. He was told he would be in a wheelchair within 6 months, nearly 6 years ago. Today, this accomplished gentleman carefully walked toward us and showed us his prowess at the one-armed push-up by doing several in a row in our main lobby Suffice to say, most of us simply struck a pose in his honor; but were inspired beyond words could say.

Believe and Be Fit.

Pushing centerfield at new Dallas Stadium

Monday, April 5, 2010

Valley of the Temples: Agrigento, Sicily.

Photo taken at one of the best preserved Greek Temples in the World; the Temple of Hera.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

American Heart Association Fund-Raiser, February 14, 2010

Hearts of Afire

Pushing with the Colorado Springs Fire Department

Friday, January 29, 2010

Eagle Pusher and his team gives homage to CMR Sales Team

While we contest the scope of the bet we humbly acknowledge CMR’s victory, proof attached for viewing pleasure. As always best regards,

Charles H.D.Reece
General Manager
Eaglewood Resort and Spa
1401 Nordic Road
Itasca, IL 60143

Pushers are inspired by Olympic athletes at the U.S. Olympic Traning Center

Thursday, January 21, 2010

1DBB is the first to meet the Challenge and net $100

He pushed for Spinal Muscular Atrophy and is featured with his children:

O-Man and Captain Bunky.

Yes, he's married to photographer, Iron Maiden F.o.N...and, no, I am nowhere close.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Pushing in Venice via the Mile High City

Venice Vidi Vici
Featured in order left to right:
Iron Maiden, F.o.N., Fearless Mommy, The Belgian, Cent'anni, Shackleton, Bar Curls, GM of Venice, Guns in Tights, Pec, and Texas Hold 'em

Pushers at the James Beard House, NYC

Many believe this may be the first push-up to ever occur in this legendary chef's home that is now host to world-renowned culinarians.
Featured Pushers are Keep Pushing Daddy, Iron Maiden, F.o.N, and Stars in Stripes

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wired attempts the Peak at 4am on New Year's Day

I just wanted to let you know that I started the New Year by soloing Pikes Peak from the Crags and twice while I was on my snowshoe/hike/climb I stopped to do some pushups, only 25 each time but that was more than plenty as the hike was grueling. Thanks for making me feel a welcomed part of the team!

The steep trail of the Crags was covered with 12-24 inches of snow, some had been packed but up the steep sides I was breaking trail the whole way until I reached the windswept skree fields at the top. This is where I did my first set of 25 pushups. As I continued the trek along the ridge to Devil’s Playground I gazed in awe, and realized why all those people who thought I was crazy were missing out on the wonderful views that I got to take in on the very first day of 2010. I never actually summitted the peak itself, once I reached Devil’s Playground the exhaustion from 5 hours of constant pushing I perched myself upon a rock to take a few more photos and to call someone to meet me at the bottom to pull me out. This was my next set of 25 pushups.

The more energy I used the bigger my smile got, what I refer to as the “perma-grin” was plastered on my face. It has begun my year of firsts: My first solo attempt of Pikes Peak, first time from the Crags, first time to snowshoe, first time to get my truck stuck in the snow when I couldn’t get it out on my own, first time to do pushups on Pikes Peak. With all this behind me, I just want to say that I hope this year continues with firsts and bests of success in both my professional and personal life. Here’s to a bright new year!

Pictures of my trip are posted at http://gallery.me.com/surftrek65#100023

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Pushers make national news!

http://www.traveldailynews.com/, December 31, 2009

http://www.hotelsmag.com/ Featured Story, January 5, 2010

http://www.hotelexecutive.com/ - Your View From The Top, December 30, 2009

The Gracious Athlete pushes Seaside

In Jacksonville Beach, FL at Christmas with the seagulls. She too joins the "Consecutive 100" Challenge in 2010. So glad to have her!