2010 Pusher Challenge with Gift of Appreciation

For any/all Pushers who complete 100 Push-Ups consecutively in 2010, Iron Maiden F.o.N. will donate $100 to a charity of their choice under their name.*

Merry Christmas, Pushers!

Iron Maiden, F.o.N. (55)


*Rules of the Challenge:

*Having a witness is strongly encouraged.

*Photo of feat with "your story" is required.

*Creative locations will be lauded.

*Must be a Pusher in good standing (simply meaning you are dedicated to your pushing).

*Yes, I recognize we have 5 or more Pushers that are sure ringers. Just need their stories and their photos. Send them in!

*Should you not be up for the physical challenge of a consecutive 100; but are a loyal Pusher, you may substitute 100 hours of voluntary community service work in 2010 and you'll meet the challenge.

*Happy Training!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Push ups and squats for today...

Today we have 70 squats and 30 pushups to do. You can't say you haven't been forewarned...Monday we are going to have another day of lots of squats. I know the word "lots" is relative, lots to me is 120, but to Bulldog, lots is 520! So, I will just tell you that Monday's number is looking like it is going to be "lots" to Bulldog! Don't do too much this weekend, because Monday is going to be a doozy!

P.O. Ward

Thursday, July 30, 2009

CMR Pushers with Olympic Gold Medalist, Henry Cejudo

Several of us were fortunate to meet Henry Cejudo, Olympic Gold Medalist, and his trainer, Eric last night. In the words of Eric, “push-ups are a perfect exercise”. He proceeded to show us his form in Will Rogers lounge with many fans looking on . This morning they both returned to push with several Pushers at morning stand-up. For those of you who don’t know Henry’s story, he was featured on the front page of the COS Gazette Sports section yesterday and is in the USA Today today. He is the son of illegal immigrants; born and raised in L.A. He is a graduate of Coronado High School here in the Springs. He didn’t wrestle until he was 12. He was the youngest American ever to win a gold medal in the freestyle wrestling event at the Beijing Olympics. Now 22, he is sought after for speaking engagements world-wide. We are honored to have him light the torch in COS tonight for the kick-off of the State Games of America competition.

Proper form for one-armed push-ups

As demonstrated by G in T and PennStateSwimmer. Champagne optional.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

50 extra push-ups, 54 secs of wall squats

However Sales being the overachievers that they are-- cranked out 110 one-armed push-ups collectively. 210 seconds was the top achievement in wall squats. More to follow.

BellRingers one-armed push-up show of force

Drill Sergeant, WonderWoman, and The Fran show us their latest push technique.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wall Squat Challenge

Fitness vs Sales

Hatchcover shows his prowess at the wall squat while enjoying libations at a local drinking establishment. This morning his peers put him through the paces attempting to surpass Fit Del's 393 seconds yesterday. Bar Curls, Guns in Tights, IBT Master, Hatchcover Pusher, Legs, Princess Jess, Pecs, Bulldog and I.M.F.o.N. gave the wall squat hold our best shot this morning. Couldn’t hold our own w/ Del’s record yesterday…but we’ll keep trying as we expect 550 GRNs to close this week (that would be 9 min, 16 seconds for those who need a calculator).

Rumor has it all others in fitness petered out.
1st Place: Del Vigil (Wonder Woman!) 393 seconds.

3rd Place: Guns in Tights
Tied for 2nd: I.M.F.o.N. and Princess Jess at 240 seconds
1st Place: Bulldog 266 seconds.

Today's numbers...

...push ups - 51
...squats - 42

Monday, July 27, 2009

Do you want the good news or the bad news first?

Ok, bad news first. We did not book over 100 transient room nights on Friday. Good news, we don't have to do any pushups!

More good news, we booked 580 group room nights on Friday! Bad news, we have to do 580 seconds of squats!

On Friday, the sales team knew about this in advance, so they all did 120 seconds of squats. They are ahead of the game, but nowhere near halftime!

Iron Maiden has challenged us to do all of the squats at one time! She just had a birthday on Friday, I think she gets YOUNGER each year!

P.O. Ward

July 18, 2009 PeakCO Challenge

Pushers turn PeakCOers and raise $35K for Boys and Girls Club at annual PeakCO Challenge. Team SuperStars place 4th. Good fun was had by all!

Pushing at Royal Gorge, Colorado

Guns in Tights

Any questions?
Photos are by Ted Mehl of A Better Image Photography of Colorado Springs.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pushing to a New Level at CCOC Fitness

In the spirit of expanding upon CMR's Challenge, CCOC fitness has decided to ring a bell after any member or guest completes a workout. Fitness staff and any others that want to participate will do 10 pushups in honor of their completed workout.

History of the bell:
There is no record of when the bell was invented. There are pictures from early Chinese dynasties which clearly show bells, not the open method version beloved of bell ringers but the “Noddy” variety. Indeed they have been used by development of written language. They are mentioned in Exodus as part of Hebrew worship and they are shown decorating the robes of priests. In medieval times bells were steeped in superstition. This was probably because of their long association with religion. They were “baptized” and then had the power to ward off evil spells and spirits. This custom then led to the “Passing bell” which was rung to run off evil spirits lurking near a deathbed to take away a departing soul. Consecrated bells were believed to dispel thunder and lightning and to calm storms at sea for all of which demons were believed to responsible. This is just a mention of the superstitions that are a great part of the world’s history. In the classic movie “It’s a Wonderful Life,” there is a significant line that states, “Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings.” The significance of bells from a church ringing after a wedding signifies a celebration of the union.

This is indeed what the Fitness Center is wanting to focus on…the celebration of someone completing a workout; which in turn signifies them reaching a goal they had not attained the day before. We feel that working out physically enhances the mind, body and spirit. In our line of work this is truly a celebration!

Our motto is: “Do It! Ring It! Push It!”
We hope you'll join us. Wilfredo and the CCOC Fitness Team.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Today's numbers...

...pushups: 35 (I know, very sad, but we are sold out the rest of this month!)
...squats: 33

Have a great weekend!

P.O Ward

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Push ups and squats for today...

Squats: 40 seconds
Push ups: 138

Great job everyone!

P.O. Ward

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pushups for the day...

Not a big day, only booked 180 transient room nights yesterday. I think we can do these in one fell swoop! As far as squats, we don't have any! (Personally, I'm glad because I ran a 5k last night and I'm feeling a bit sore today!)


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The 2009 CMR Ascent of Pikes Peak, Sunday--August 23rd!

From 100 push ups a day in a myriad of places (and yes that day of 482 will live in infamy); to booking more than 100 rooms a day on route to shattering all Transient business records in the month of July: to a 4TH Place finish in the Peak CO Challenge (and helping to raise money for the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Pikes Peak); to celebrating a momentous birthday at the top of the Incline (some on our team make that trip three times a week!); to recording over 600 minutes of exercise in a week for Lighten Up Colorado; to spending three hours cleaning up Highway 115 and the Resort; to volunteering at the Marian House; to preparing for our Mountain of Hope in September; to meeting challenges for booking business and providing great service to our guests; to watching expenses so we meet our margins every month; to being voted one of the Best Companies to Work For in Colorado – the CMR TEAM just has a knack for facing a challenge. And the greatest thing about these accomplishments is that the feats are performed by a true cross section of our entire staff which is building camaraderie into everything we do.
See Champ or Guns in Tights to rsvp. We'd love to have you!

Pushes and squats

Little behind the 8-ball today, but here are the numbers. Squats - booked 74 group room nights yesterday, so 74 seconds of squats.

Transient room nights - for Friday, we need to do 134 extra and for Monday, we need to do 192 extra.

Go Team!
Erika P.O. Ward

The Family that Pushes Together

Pecs and daughter, Railen keep pushing during their recent family camp trip. BbP and G&T: note her creative use of paper plates to slide on the dirt. She almost makes those towel slides look easy!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Pikes Peak International Hill Climb, July 19, 2009

Pushers 1DBB, Bunky, and Champ risk life and limb posing for this Pusher photo at the starting gate of the 2nd oldest motor sports race in the U.S.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Many of you many not know this, or even believe it, but I am not much of a drinker. However, G in T and I were in the Will Roger's Lounge last night with a client/peer having "drinks." As we were talking, Iron Maiden came over to our table and asked if she could steal us for a moment. When the Maiden talks, we all listen! We proceed to go over to her table, drop to the floor, and give her client 30! Yes, 30 in a row, after a long day of working in 85 degree weather, and right after the day we completed 482! I.M., G in T, Brother the Rock, and I gave it the ol' college try and completed the task at hand. The clients loved it, and I think Hatchcover Pusher may owe us one for that!

Today's numbers: Squats, only 36 seconds, but Monday is looking to be a very big day! I talking maybe about 1,000! Pushups today, on top of the regular 100, is 146.

Have a great weekend!


Frosty gave 482 her best shot!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Guess Heath's B-Day away turned out okay after all

How's your new friend, Shackleman?
Is she a Pusher?

Scott's 500th Push-Up

Now this one is indeed true. Guns in Tights (the overachiever he is) did execute 500 push-ups before departing yesterday. I understand there were witnesses...and apparently a giddyap rider for the final push.

Bar Curls and Legs having fun at Nosh

Bar Curls and Legs trying to convince us they came anywhere near 482.
That was 482 push-ups, not 4.82 shots.
Keep trying.

If I never see another push up again...

...I would be just fine! However, yesterday we booked 230 transient room nights so we need to do 130 on top of our normal 100. As far a group room nights, we booked 63. I.M., Legs, Fleet Feet, Hatchcover Pusher, Matt, Bulldog, and P.O have already done our squats. 63, that's nothin'!

Erika P.O Ward

Happy 40th Birthday, Shackleman!

We miss you, Heath. So, we decided to replicate your image...everywhere!!
Enjoy with Birthday Greetings
from your fellow Pushers.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Greetings to Kuwait

Did you see our Push-Up Challenge for today? Photo taken on 7/14 - 94 degrees, 6000 ft roadside with NORAD keeping watch... saluting the troops. "G in T".

Today's Challenge--direct from our Owner: Who's in at 482?

So, I’d like to know who’s in it with me? Stuff like this is what heroes are made of, Pushers. Those that push themselves past barriers—physically, emotionally, and mentally. Push-Ups may seem silly on the surface to some, but they have come to mean much more than that, haven’t they? Not to mention, I’d sure like a friend or two as I literally sweat out my day. I.M.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Push on!

No squats for the day, but we do have an extra 256 pushups to do! I know I am sending this later than usual, sorry I didn't send it earlier so you guys could get a head start. But, do what I do, a few extra in the morning knowing we will be doing many more during the day!

Erika "PO" Ward

Monday, July 13, 2009

Soldiers who Push

Kuwait checking in wanting to know who has done their 264 today. Reply to post by 12midnightMT. Taking bets in Kuwait on "who's really tough" amongst you fair-aired mountain-dwellers.

Congratulations to Pushers--Fleet Feet and Frosty!

Fleet Feet for showing the world "she's still got it" at the Barr Camp half-marathon this Sunday and matching her time from 3 years ago. You go Girl!

Frosty for summiting the Peak for the first time ever this morning and adding a couple of miles to the trek to boot.

We are proud of you!

Alex, not to throw you to the wolves...

...but we mean "business" here in Colorado Springs! Squats for today number 83. You can do 83 squats, or 83 seconds of wall squats. Pushups for today number 164. Alex, in case you are joining us for our 100 per day, this "164" means 164 ABOVE AND BEYOND your standard 100. Now, I know after I tell you all this information, you will be happy we are not counting Saturday and Sundays. In the past, we have not counted these days because we did not ever reach 100 in a single day. This weekend was different. On Saturday we booked 154, and on Sunday, we booked 170! I won't hold you to doing an extra 54 and 70 today, I think we are all going to be sore after this week, and we still have the PeakCO Challenge on Saturday!

Push, and squat, on!

Erika "Push Over" Ward

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A new Pusher joins our team!

For those who have not yet met “Keep Pushing Daddy” (aka Alex Cabanas, VP of Development and Strategy) hailing from our home office in the Woodlands, TX, I introduce you. With son Matthew astride (wearing his favorite state's teeshirt), suffice to say, Alex is a welcome addition. I assure you he will do more than “push the envelope” on any whiners/slackers/wannabes. A dear friend, colleague, and fierce competitor, I’ll have to let his nickname process percolate a bit before we crown him with his true moniker. “Trailing the Belgian” was on the tip of my tongue but only those who hiked the Peak two summers ago would share that perspective. Suggestions welcome. May the fun begin.

Friday, July 10, 2009

carpe diem per valde perturbatio

Push-Over, my suggestion for the group sales team’s nickname is above. It’s a mouthful—but it is worth it. A day free of push-ups and sit-ups to the first person who can accurately translate it. (My money is on Bar Curls). I will readily admit it was difficult to not “cry uncle” when I heard of the challenge for today. What sort of human being does 369 push-ups in a 24-hour period? I have lost count on the number for the week but I believe it exceeds 1000. Can that be right?! When I do the math and forecast our future, I assure myself that the temporary physical discomfort (no--stronger than that), pain (close), agony (yes--that's the word) is well worth the long-term economic gain. So, I embrace your accomplishments, dear team, and thank you for the honor. I’m on 175 and won’t rest ‘til I’m done.


How can I ever follow Stonehenge?

After that post, I don't feel worthy! However, our crack transient "Revenue Generating Specialaists" booked 369 room nights yesterday. Yes, 3-6-9! That is now the new record. Our Group Sales Team (haven't come up with a fun name for them yet, but I am taking suggestions) booked 128 room nights yesterday! So, wall squats equivalent of 2 minutes and 8 seconds. Not easy. Trust me. I just witnessed Iron Maiden, Legs, Tights, Bulldog, Bar Curls Blaney, Matt, and Princess Jess do all 128 seconds...in a row. It was not pretty. Bar Curls started panting, I thought he was going to pass out, and Iron Maiden requested I talk about transient numbers and revenue...to keep her mind off the pain. I think that worked for about 5 seconds! Great job team!

Erika "Push Over" Ward

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Push-Ups at Stonehenge

The Challenge is on, Team. Who can beat a push-up photo at one of the greatest archeological sites in the world? Featured in said photo is none other than our fearless leader--Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Mr. Eric Terry (aka The Travelin' Texan) adorned in Benchmark Hospitality International's (in)famous Rally Cap. Who will rise to The Challenge first? Champ, I see your name all over this one. :)

No squats again today! But pushups galore!

141 extra push ups is today's number. I don't know about everyone else, but I sure am getting buff! Great job!

Erika "Push Over" Ward

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Greetings from Kuwait--prepare to be moved, Pushers!

Our fearless soliders heard of our Push-Up effort and sent this directly to Olivia Kiper (her brother is featured). Please note his note to his sis...

“K, so this one is pretty ridiculous! We're wearing 30lb body armor, Kevlar helmets, harnesses, chem suits, bio detection strips and reflective belts, and we were inside because it was a sand storm. Hope you like it.”

How's that for inspiration, Team! May we never whine over squats, holds, push-ups again unless we too tote 30+ pounds of extra weight in 100 degree temperatures in a sand storm.
If you are reading this, Christopher Slade and fellow comrades, we salute you and honor you beyond measure. Thank you for keeping us safe. Laura Neumann (aka Iron Maiden)

Only Pushers need to pay attention...

Unfortunately, we did not have any group room nights book yesterday, but we did book 209 transient room nights! So, on top of your regular 100, we will all be doing 109 more! Great job team!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A note of gratitude to our Reservations and Group Sales Teams

Not every day does one get the honor of celebrating 277 Transient Rooms booked in one day (I believe it is a first in the history of CMR's 24-years). This... while simultaneously racking up 135 Group Rooms in that same 24 hours. I didn't want any of our Pushers/Wannabes to lose sight of the significant business accomplishment of these fine folks...while high-fiving each other on your athletic prowess to push yourselves beyond where many have never gone before. So, please accept my gracious appreciation for your peak season efforts. I will gladly push, squat, hold-- whatever you book, whenever you book-- if you keep rocking our world with your milestone achievements. Suffice to say, 135 seconds of wall squats completed (without breaking) and 277 push-ups have been executed. I may not be able to walk tomorrow or lift my arms above my head...but I'll be smiling. I am proud of you! I.M.

Pushing and Squatting number for today...

Great day for pushing and squatting! Push ups...wait for it...wait for it...177! This surpasses our previous record of 138! Squats are 135! Great job team! Directly for Laura "Iron Maiden" Neumann, she would like to know who completes their 277 push ups and 135 squats. If you are doing wall squats because of various ailments such as bad knees, your 135 seconds need to be done all at one time. If you are doing regular old fashioned squats, they can be done in segments. ARE YOU UP FOR THE CHALLENGE?! I can almost guarantee we will be in the sales office all day, completing our "tasks." So, join us if you would like, or just come in anytime and have us drop and do 20!

Erika "PushOver" Ward

Monday, July 6, 2009

Attention Pushers and Squatters!

It's a great day for bookings! Transient room nights booked 107 extra room nights over 100, so we all need to do 107 extra push ups. Group room nights booked 245, so we all need to do 245 squats! I don't know about all of you, but coming from a girl who hardly ever does squats, those are killer! Great job team, let's keep it up!

Erika "PushOver" Ward

Independence Day on the Incline

Several Pushers honored the beauteous Brigitte Reydams’ 50th birthday with an Incline ascent on July 4 complete with champagne toast and a bit of nosh for the trek down.

Pictured in top photo Pushing one-armed with toast in hand: The Nephew, The Penn State Swim Son (32 minutes!), and Guns in Tights
Supported by: The Belgian, Hatchcover Pusher, The Gracious Athlete, Frosty and Iron Maiden.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Pushers celebrate 90 days of dedication

Pushers PushOver, Legs, Frosty, Guns in Tights, Brother the Rock and Iron Maiden "Rally" with the camera to show their stuff after 90 days.

Missing from photo are: Pecs, Bulldog, and Hatchcover Pusher

Poolside Pushers

Pushers Kathleen, Brother the Rock, Mike Lover, Andre, Erik, Champ, Guns in Tights, Iron Maiden, Bea, Legs, Princess Jess, PushOver and Frosty celebrate a milestone poolside.

Week 5--Lighten Up minutes

CMR Inspiration: 575 minutes per person. Tom Neumann top performer
Mile High Miracles 396 minutes per person. Lindsay Clanton top perfomer

The Tale of the Fingertip Pusher

The rumor is true. Wednesday evening Mike Lover earned big bucks for pushing up in the lobby when one of our guests upped the ante with a fingertip push-up with Guns in Tights, The Belgian, Bar Curls and I.M. looking on. Many have attempted to reenact her feat following the tale, but after dozens of attempts by Pushers property-wide, Champ was the one who did us proud! However, his title hold was fleeting. When The Fran got wind of Champ's prowess, she showed several of us appreciative onlookers that Girl's do indeed Rule. But, even that honor was snatched away moments later when Guns in Tights amazed us all by performing the feat one-armed after several beverages and encouragement by the growing audience.

The true prize remains with Mike Lover whose enthusiasm made some serious cash for the great fight for a cure for Alzheimers.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The magic number for today is...

49! I have actually already done my 100 plus my 49. I highly recommend this, too stressful if you wait until the end of the day to do them! Don't put off until after 8pm what you can do before 8am! Oh, and you owe us 214 squats for group room production. Erika

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Independence Day Incline Hike, July 4th 2009

Interested parties, see Scott Marble or post comment below.
Happy Birthday, Brigitte!