2010 Pusher Challenge with Gift of Appreciation

For any/all Pushers who complete 100 Push-Ups consecutively in 2010, Iron Maiden F.o.N. will donate $100 to a charity of their choice under their name.*

Merry Christmas, Pushers!

Iron Maiden, F.o.N. (55)


*Rules of the Challenge:

*Having a witness is strongly encouraged.

*Photo of feat with "your story" is required.

*Creative locations will be lauded.

*Must be a Pusher in good standing (simply meaning you are dedicated to your pushing).

*Yes, I recognize we have 5 or more Pushers that are sure ringers. Just need their stories and their photos. Send them in!

*Should you not be up for the physical challenge of a consecutive 100; but are a loyal Pusher, you may substitute 100 hours of voluntary community service work in 2010 and you'll meet the challenge.

*Happy Training!

Friday, July 17, 2009


Many of you many not know this, or even believe it, but I am not much of a drinker. However, G in T and I were in the Will Roger's Lounge last night with a client/peer having "drinks." As we were talking, Iron Maiden came over to our table and asked if she could steal us for a moment. When the Maiden talks, we all listen! We proceed to go over to her table, drop to the floor, and give her client 30! Yes, 30 in a row, after a long day of working in 85 degree weather, and right after the day we completed 482! I.M., G in T, Brother the Rock, and I gave it the ol' college try and completed the task at hand. The clients loved it, and I think Hatchcover Pusher may owe us one for that!

Today's numbers: Squats, only 36 seconds, but Monday is looking to be a very big day! I talking maybe about 1,000! Pushups today, on top of the regular 100, is 146.

Have a great weekend!


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