2010 Pusher Challenge with Gift of Appreciation

For any/all Pushers who complete 100 Push-Ups consecutively in 2010, Iron Maiden F.o.N. will donate $100 to a charity of their choice under their name.*

Merry Christmas, Pushers!

Iron Maiden, F.o.N. (55)


*Rules of the Challenge:

*Having a witness is strongly encouraged.

*Photo of feat with "your story" is required.

*Creative locations will be lauded.

*Must be a Pusher in good standing (simply meaning you are dedicated to your pushing).

*Yes, I recognize we have 5 or more Pushers that are sure ringers. Just need their stories and their photos. Send them in!

*Should you not be up for the physical challenge of a consecutive 100; but are a loyal Pusher, you may substitute 100 hours of voluntary community service work in 2010 and you'll meet the challenge.

*Happy Training!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pushing to a New Level at CCOC Fitness

In the spirit of expanding upon CMR's Challenge, CCOC fitness has decided to ring a bell after any member or guest completes a workout. Fitness staff and any others that want to participate will do 10 pushups in honor of their completed workout.

History of the bell:
There is no record of when the bell was invented. There are pictures from early Chinese dynasties which clearly show bells, not the open method version beloved of bell ringers but the “Noddy” variety. Indeed they have been used by development of written language. They are mentioned in Exodus as part of Hebrew worship and they are shown decorating the robes of priests. In medieval times bells were steeped in superstition. This was probably because of their long association with religion. They were “baptized” and then had the power to ward off evil spells and spirits. This custom then led to the “Passing bell” which was rung to run off evil spirits lurking near a deathbed to take away a departing soul. Consecrated bells were believed to dispel thunder and lightning and to calm storms at sea for all of which demons were believed to responsible. This is just a mention of the superstitions that are a great part of the world’s history. In the classic movie “It’s a Wonderful Life,” there is a significant line that states, “Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings.” The significance of bells from a church ringing after a wedding signifies a celebration of the union.

This is indeed what the Fitness Center is wanting to focus on…the celebration of someone completing a workout; which in turn signifies them reaching a goal they had not attained the day before. We feel that working out physically enhances the mind, body and spirit. In our line of work this is truly a celebration!

Our motto is: “Do It! Ring It! Push It!”
We hope you'll join us. Wilfredo and the CCOC Fitness Team.

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