2010 Pusher Challenge with Gift of Appreciation

For any/all Pushers who complete 100 Push-Ups consecutively in 2010, Iron Maiden F.o.N. will donate $100 to a charity of their choice under their name.*

Merry Christmas, Pushers!

Iron Maiden, F.o.N. (55)


*Rules of the Challenge:

*Having a witness is strongly encouraged.

*Photo of feat with "your story" is required.

*Creative locations will be lauded.

*Must be a Pusher in good standing (simply meaning you are dedicated to your pushing).

*Yes, I recognize we have 5 or more Pushers that are sure ringers. Just need their stories and their photos. Send them in!

*Should you not be up for the physical challenge of a consecutive 100; but are a loyal Pusher, you may substitute 100 hours of voluntary community service work in 2010 and you'll meet the challenge.

*Happy Training!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The pain sets in on the Wall Squat Challenge

And, the field narrows. (Click on photo to enlarge to see facial expressions). Lightning Aussie proved strongest at this wall competition at 300 seconds on August 4th!

1 comment:

  1. Those wall chairs look pretty good...Louie (Lightning Aussie) is so cute!!!! This challenge is about mental toughness...as my husband says, "Go Big, Stop Crying, or Go Home!! During bellringing, I got in 70 pushups! Apart, I got in 100. I am trying to be an overachiever! I love competition!
